Honor Gaia on the 50th Earth Day

by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey

Happy Earth Day!

Today marks the 50th year that earthlings have been celebrating Earth Day.

The coronavirus may have taken a lot of the world population’s focus away from celebrating Gaia. Be that as it may, to those who are aware and environmentally conscious, this is a gentle reminder to redirect the focus.

Many members of the conscious community are celebrating Earth Day by using the conveniences of distant socializing while social distancing is in effect.

For the most part, the activities that conscious people are engaging in are as wholesome as:

  • Planting seeds and trees. (To see how world renowned master percussionist JoJo Morocco did his tree planting this morning, click on this link then tap on the image: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dcP6eU5o5ZVaaiUW8).
  • Cooking celebratory meals with plant based food staples.
  • Switching from heavy meat consumption to a lifestyle including more organic or home grown produce for wellness and weight reduction.
  • Using biodegradable cleaning products and disinfectants.
  • Recycling, reusing, repurposing, and reducing plastic packagings, single use plastic items, and paper.
  • Sharing time meditating on global peace.
  • Teaching drugless stress management and expressing compassionate encouragement.

The ultimate benefits of the above activities contribute to lessen the detrimental effects of climate change, depression, and susceptibility to illness.

In the video below, Marybeth Swanson, Ph.D, LMSW and Michael Smith, Ph.D, LMSW, of The Salvation Army, share sensible and actionable recommendations on stress management.

 Gaia is a living and sentient organism that nourishes, shelters, heals, and nurtures all of its life forms. It is in honoring, loving, and respecting our Earth that we demonstrate how we care for ourselves. The health of humans directly codepends on environmental health.

“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We are borrowing it from future generations.”

~ Native American Chief Seattle

Honor Mother Earth by making it Earth Day everyday.

In my book HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY, I have provided ample data about effective ways to prevent illness by detoxifying the self, the environment, the home, and all areas of life.

Secure your original of the book today.


Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey is a Mind-Body Therapist, Wellness Coach, and Author voted Wellness Expert by peer consensus in 2005. Therapist Lherisson-Bey is the author of the Kindle bestseller HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY as well as the weight management program GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY that has evolved from CD to an instructional picture book and eBook. Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey is completing a doctorate degree in Alternative Medicine. The therapist’s works have been featured on TV, radio, and several magazines over 30 years.

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Photography credits: pixabay.com; M. Hoffman.

Videography credits: JoJo Morocco; The Salvation Army.

Copyright (c) 2020 and beyond . Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey. 
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