Virtues of Persimmon for Weight Reduction

By Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey


Persimmon is a sweet, vibrant fruit that originates from East Asia. Known for its rich nutritional profile, it has been associated with various health benefits. Recent research suggests that persimmon may be particularly effective in weight reduction.

This article explores the potential role of persimmon fruit in managing body weight, focusing on its nutrient content, effect on metabolism, and impact on appetite control.

Nutritional Composition and Low-Calorie Density
Persimmon is low in calories, with an average serving providing approximately 80 calories per fruit, making them an excellent option for individuals seeking to reduce calorie intake while still satisfying their sweet cravings. Rich in dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, the fruit aids digestion and contributes to feelings of fullness. Its high water content helps to maintain hydration, which is important during weight reduction. Additionally, persimmon is packed with Vitamin C, which supports immune function and overall health.

Effect on Metabolism
Several studies suggest that the consumption of persimmon can improve metabolic health, which is crucial for effective weight reduction. Persimmon contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, which can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress—factors linked to obesity and metabolic disorders. These compounds may also enhance fat oxidation and prevent fat accumulation by influencing lipid metabolism. By improving metabolic functions, persimmons could potentially support weight loss and the prevention of excessive weight gain.

Appetite Control and Satiety
The high fiber content in persimmon plays a key role in appetite regulation. Fiber slows down the digestion process, leading to prolonged feelings of fullness, which can reduce overall calorie intake. Additionally, persimmon has a low glycemic index, meaning it has a slower effect on blood sugar levels compared to other high-sugar fruits. This slower absorption can help prevent insulin spikes that trigger hunger and cravings.

Incorporating persimmon into a balanced diet may offer several benefits for individuals aiming to reduce excess weight. The fruit’s low-calorie content, combined with high fiber and antioxidant properties, makes it a nutritious snack that supports metabolism and controls appetite.

While persimmon alone cannot guarantee weight loss, when combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity, it may serve as a valuable addition to a weight reduction strategy. 

Some of the material presented in this article can be found in my books GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY and HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY. For more information:
Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey on WBAI Radio, New York, NY. International Working Women’s Day.
The Heart of Mind Broadcast. Exec. Producer Kathryn Davis (L).
March 2003
Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey, Ph.D. and doctorate degree candidate in Natural Medicine, is a Mind-Body Therapist, Wellness Coach, and published Author voted Wellness Expert by peer consensus in 2005. Therapist Lherisson-Bey is the author of the Kindle bestseller HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY as well as the weight management program GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY. From an original CD, the publication has evolved into an instructional picture book, an eBook, and an effective weight management program. Therapist Lherisson-Bey’s works have been featured on TV, radio, and in several magazines in the past 30 years.

In my books HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY and GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY, I provide valuable information on sensible nutrition, preventative health, as well as awareness of natural remedies for the wellness of body and mind.

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