Pomegranate: Underrated Winter Fruit with Slimming Powers


by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey

For some reasons, pomegranate is an underrated winter fruit even though it spearheads mostly unknown body slimming benefits. A rewarding and effortless way of reducing unwanted body fat is by eating fruits that are nutritious and delicious. One of such fruits is pomegranate, ranked nutrient-dense superfood by nutrition scientists due to its ability to nourish, detoxify, repair cells, and help reduce excess body fat.

Pomegranate is a beautiful. colorful, and decorative winter fruit that is often displayed on festive holiday tables.
Health Benefits of Pomegranate
Because of its high Vitamin C content and multiple nutrients, Pomegranate is considered to be an antioxidant fruit. Due to its cell protective properties, and high potassium content, when eaten regularly and in an enjoyable way, pomegranate can be a valuable health restoration ally for:
  • Weight control
  • Appetite suppression
  • Self-detoxification
  • Blood purification
  • Heart health
  • Digestive issues
  • Relief from diarrhea
  • Metabolism boost
  • Cellular repair
  • Halting of the aging process
Pomegranate Nutrition Facts
Water: 78%
Carbohydrates: 19%
Vitamin C: 29 mg
Iron: 0.8 mg
Vitamin K: 46.2 mcg
Folate: 107.2 mcg
Potassium: 660 mg
Protein: 2%
Fat: 1%
Fiber: 11 g
Sugars: 38.6 g
As a water-rich fruit, pomegranate rehydrates and detoxifies the system in a way that is pleasant to the palate, due to its very sweet and tart taste. As an added bonus, the many nutrients in pomegranate work synergistically with each other to contribute beneficial value to anyone who wishes to be slim and trim around the holidays and beyond.
In spite of its many benefits, pomegranate is rather underrated. Even though pomegranate is highly regarded in India and revered for its medicinal value in Ayurveda, the said fruit is rather overlooked in Western cultures. Some of several probable reasons could be that:
  • A bite of pomegranate does not feel as fleshy and substantial as that of other fruits.
  • Due to its overabundance of seeds whose core is very hard, pomegranate is hard to chew.
  • Individuals with fragile or sensitive teeth must be cautious about chewing the seeds.
  • Because of the hardness of its seeds, pomegranate is hard to juice.
  • Pomegranate can stain fabric and teeth.
Regardless of the minor downsides that cause pomegranate to be underestimated or underused, it can be of health benefit to use the fruit even just for weight control or entertainment at holiday time, at least as a celebratory fruit around the end of the year.


Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey, Ph.D. and doctorate degree candidate in Natural Medicine, is a Mind-Body Therapist, Wellness Coach, and published Author voted Wellness Expert by peer consensus in 2005. Therapist Lherisson-Bey is the author of the Kindle bestseller HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY as well as the weight management program GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY. From an original CD, the publication has evolved into an instructional picture book, an eBook, and an effective weight management program. Therapist Lherisson-Bey’s works have been featured on TV, radio, and in several magazines in the past 32 years.

In my books HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY and GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY, I provide valuable information on sensible nutrition, preventative health, as well as awareness of natural remedies for the wellness of body and mind.

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Don Martin Ruiz

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