by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey
It appears that some individuals view climate change as a debatable concept, or worse… a deniable issue!
In today’s world, major personal and financial interests are perceived as more important than planetary sustainability. As of now, there is so little interest in understanding and resolving the problem of climate change that the noted indifference is staggering.
Countless people are unaware that the ecosystem is ripe for a cataclysmic, unusual, and threatening event. In spite of public radio’s consistent efforts to create awareness on the matter, the issue seems to be treated mostly with vast indifference. The average individual does not understand that climate change has its causes and its effects. The effects are related to the causes.
According to scientific research, the main causes and effects of climate change are numerous and anthropogenic (man-made), as seen in my December 2019 blog post.
Some of the causes of climate change
Excessively high carbon footprint resulting from:
- The burning of fossil fuel such as petroleum used for gasoline, causing too much of a release of carbon dioxide emissions into the environment.
- Massive rainforest deforestation not followed by reforestation.
- Over-farming of cattle, a situation that entails higher than necessary methane gas emissions from cows.
- High toxicity engendered by mindless pollution of the air, earth, oceans, rivers, etc. A lot of the pollution involves extremely large un-recycled plastic of all types, and non-biodegradable food packaging from people whose diet involves a very high carbon footprint.
- Overuse of electricity, air waves, and Wi-fi, etc.
Many of the effects of climate change have been identified as systemic disruptions of the Earth’s vital signs registering:
- Droughts in some areas of the world.
- Rising sea levels in other areas due to the melting of arctic glaciers.
- Uncontrollable fires due to overheating.
- Generation of harmful gases that negatively affect the solar system.
- Inability for the biosphere to adequately warm or cool itself based on seasonal cycles.
- Disturbances of the Earth’s magnetic field.
- Extinction of animal species that are essential to the ecosystem’s balance. (It is archeologically known that when animal species start disappearing, humans are next).
Several symptoms of climate change are reflective of global warming. As of now, scientific probes are confirming that the waters under the glaciers are three degrees warmer than normal. Melting glaciers are responsible for rising sea levels. A rise in water level as low as three feet is disastrous for coastal regions.
One major problem with global warming: it is not the ultimate effect of climate change. Some scientists have hypothesized that global warming could be the precursor of an ice age that might happen in flash freeze mode.
As of now, there is scientific investigation of diverse disruptors affecting the planet’s magnetic field. The word is out that some disruptions of the Earth’s vital signs are a result of poles shift. The situation itself may be responsible for the malfunction of aeronautic instrumentation.
A scrutiny of conversations with average individuals can reveal the following behaviors:
(1) The individuals will writhe with delight talking about how they cannot wait to get home after work so they can watch their favorite TV shows. They usually watch two or three shows plus sports events per night. Their viewing time averages approximately 3 hours.
(2) There will be absolutely no mention of major climate related issues such as the USA’s West Coast fires, Australia’s bush fires, the disappearance of different species of plants and animals in the rainforest, and the unusual weather patterns being experienced worldwide.
(3) There is no effort to reduce individual carbon footprint. These people burn fuel excessively and often drive when going to a distance as short as one block from home.
(4) There is overuse of electricity. Just remember how holiday lightbulbs are overused everywhere.
(5) There is an obsessive need to watch something on social media, an activity that comes with continuous Wi-fi consumption.
Nowadays, people are so busy watching feel-good programming that they have almost no time to follow-up on postal mail, emails, or texts communications. Scores of people are oblivious to environmental issues affecting different parts of the world and even their own country. Part of this ignorance of facts is due to a fixation on artificial social media connections, a pre-occupation that journals of psychology and medicine have reported as causing an increase in depression and anxiety.
Are world issues over the top for that many people?
While people are willing to spend significant time sitting down to enjoy self-entertainment, there is negligible to no effort made to educate themselves on environmental protection.
Millions of high-powered influencers have the authority to make major and instant impact on world populations through the mass media. Unfortunately, there is not enough emphasis on encouraging the masses to re-direct their focus from excessive self-entertainment to ecological accountability.
In defense of the less aware people that are not doing anything to help the ecosystem, their apathy is mostly due to a lack of education on the matter.
“Some people make things happen.
Some people watch what happens.
Some people wonder what happened.”
The business operations of mid-size to very large retailers involve a disappointingly lax attitude toward the recycling and reuse of plastic items. Not all the businesses that make their money selling huge numbers of plastic-based products put a recycling bin on their premises. Low income neighborhood supermarkets have no recycling bins. There is no real incentive to start educating the masses on eco-conscious living. Average individuals simply do not know how to recycle and why they should.
It would help if food retailers, sports heroes, and popular influencers from the Internet, TV and radio were to go the extra mile to pitch about environmental awareness. It is essential to promote more awareness on taking simple, mindful actions toward cleaning and detoxifying the environment as well as one’s life.
There are more than enough armchair heroes obsessed with proving their sexual and/or financial potency on social media. There are not enough media heroes able or willing to help control climate change by using their tools of the trade.
Anyone who is not curtailing their consumption of cattle meat, packaged foods, fossil fuel-based travel, and excessive utilization of plastic, is contributing to the problem of climate change.
Even though plastic has enormous advantages such as being resistant and durable, functioning with no rust and no breakage, however, it is toxic for humans, animals, and the environment.
As you are reading this post, millions of acres of land are burning in Australia. Thousands of species of animals are becoming extinct, including beloved koalas. Hundreds of thousands of people are forced to relocate emergently due to different types of disasters. Seasons are showing signs of instability. These events are all unprecedented, yet there is a breed of people denying that climate change is in effect! This breed is no different or better from the above-described breed that is oblivious to the matter of climate change.
So many people avoid pro-activity in ecological matters that their inaction seems to indicate a deliberate surrender to systematic nihilism.
If nihilists consider climate change a deniable fact, then they are likely to consider everything else as deniable, including the existence of Earth, of humanity, and that of their own self.
Without personal involvement or action for individual carbon footprint reduction, planet Earth may not be sustainable by the year 2040. This means that the children and grandchildren of the earthlings from the baby boomers’ generation might not have Earth’s biosphere as a habitat.
Are We Unknowingly Contributing to Climate Change?
Scores of people are busy watching sports at all hours. While many of them are also preoccupied with buying pricy plastic footwear displaying brand names as status symbol, sea levels are in the process of rising.
People love watching sports because it is a feel-good past time. While the heroes do the hard work, the watchers sit down, relax, consume their toxic foods and drinks, control the remote device, worship the heroes for their stunts and fortune, take credit for the highly adulated heroes’ deeds, and roar with euphoria for being the armchair hero. This process of sublimation of feelings is very addictive.
On the other hand, being an environmentally aware individual requires lifelong dedication to learning and pro-activity that is at the borderline of activism, two commitments that are often unrewarding and even perilous. No wonder environmental heroism is so rare.
With Greater Social and Financial Privileges Come Higher Civic Responsibilities
The mega sized audience watching sports at home and attending sports events uses an inordinate amount of plastic items and burns more fossil fuel for transportation. Unfortunately, their plastic items are not necessarily recycled and end up littering the environment, contributing to the conditions that cause climate change.
Even if the sports industry does not switch from toxic petroleum based products to biodegradable ones, it could encourage consumers to be responsible people by:
(a) Warning buyers that the products require proper recycling after use;
(b) Informing consumers of the basics of proper recycling for the specific products that they purchase.
Because of its overwhelmingly huge media influence and financial means, the sports industry would only take a small amount of efforts to contribute to environmental awareness. Being educated is one process. Using the education for civic purposes is another process. Combining both processes leads to noble endeavors.
It is only through positive propaganda that the number of people becoming more aware and pro-active could reach critical mass. Before that happens, the leaders, decision-makers, promoters, and influencers of the sports industry must first be educated on environmental awareness.
As a trillion dollar industry, the sports business has more than enough financial resources and media influence to effectively access the masses. As a major promoter and user of plastic-based items such as: play balls, footwear, clothing, accessories, bottled water, oversized plastic mugs, soft drinks, all of which will take 1,000 years to biodegrade, why is the sports industry not helping promote environmental protection? Could it be reflective of a conflict of interest? Could it be an avoidance of admission that the products the industry sells and promotes are all plastic-based, therefore toxic and contributing to climate change?
People usually do not come forward to claim that they have either helped heal themselves and others, or increased their income, or earned a college degree, or written a book, just by watching sports. Watching sports does none of that because that is not its purpose. Sports watching is an entertainment-based activity intended to make people:
(1) Feel good by watching billionaire star players perform what the watchers dream of doing but will never bother to do.
(2) Mindlessly overuse petroleum-based products.
Is this kind of feel-good self entertainment worth the risk of contributing to the environmental pollution that causes climate change? Any sensible being more dedicated to environmental protection than feeling good will know the answer.
The Time to Act is Now
Petroleum-based sneakers may take a thousand years to biodegrade, however, it might only take twenty years for the Earth to purge the toxic population off its surface.
Any type of action toward controlling climate change can help make a difference, even if it means practicing the 4 Rs of environmental protection: Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose, and Reduce.
In my book HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY, I have provided ample data about effective ways to detoxify the environment, the home, and the self. When properly applied, the information in the book can help minimize the many factors that contribute to climate change.
Secure your original of the book today.
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Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey is a Mind-Body Therapist, Wellness Coach, and Author voted Wellness Expert by peer consensus in 2005. Therapist Lherisson-Bey is the author of the Kindle bestseller HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE NATURALLY as well as the weight management program GET SLIM EFFORTLESSLY that has evolved from CD to an instructional picture book and eBook. Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey is completing a doctorate degree in Alternative Medicine. Her works have been featured on TV, radio, and several magazines over 30 years.
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