by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey In an era of misguided fad diets and ineffective weight loss programs, the fruit commonly known as orange stands as a tasty and reliable ally for the reduction of excess body fat as well as the maintenance of general health. In its surprising role as a […]
Year: 2023
Slim-down with The King of Holiday Fruits: Pumpkin
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey Throughout the planet, countless anatomically modern humans (AMH) are celebrating the end-of-the-year holidays with palate-pleasing meals. In many cultures, a preferred traditional holiday fare often includes pumpkin, a Fall season food. It is particularly enticing when properly blended with appetizing spices suitable for pumpkin pie […]
Cranberries Can Promote A Slim Body
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey Since Autumn has arrived, some people who like fruits have been contemplating adding cranberries to their diet and festive holiday menu. Besides being celebratory, cranberries are considered to be health-enhancing fruits that add sweetness and beautiful red colors to traditional holiday meals. Cranberries are […]
How Pear Fruit Assists with the Fat-Burning Process
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey A pear is considered a nutritious enough fruit to consume a few times a month as part of a healthy diet and also excess body fat reduction. While pear is normally harvested in Autumn when it reaches its peak, it can also be found in supermarkets […]
Wonders of grapes as weight reduction helpers
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey Grapes are absolutely delicious and nutritious. They are well-loved fruits that offer numerous health benefits when it comes to weight reduction. They are also pleasant to the eyes and palate. Who has not enjoyed the feel of touching a bunch of grapes while anticipating the pleasure […]
Peach: A Tasty Treat for Healthy Weight and Fitness
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey Peach is a very enjoyable fruit. In spite of its sweetness, the delicious and nutritious treat that peach represents can contribute to a healthy diet and potentially support weight loss efforts. Organic peach is an ideal commodity that comes handy as an adjunct to weight reduction […]
Avocado: A Fatty Food that Makes the Body Slim
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey Avocado is a food favored by people of all ages — particularly the very young and the elderly — due to its flavorful taste and buttery texture. The softness of avocado’s fatty pulp is an attribute that makes it easy to chew. The name avocado evokes […]
Can Cantaloupe Help Reduce Weight and Belly Fat?
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey For those who might be thinking: “Can cantaloupe really help reduce weight and belly fat? “, the answer is: “Yes! “. What is Cantaloupe? The fruit known as cantaloupe is a type of muskmelon with sweet, orange pulp. It is low in calories, but high in […]
Cherries Counteract Stress-related Excessive Weight Gain
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey While countless people think that cherries are just a delicacy to be occasionally consumed, scientific studies are proving that the said fruits feature stress-controlling and health-restoring effects. Cherries help counteract two rogue hormones: cortisol, a stress hormone, and ghrelin, a hunger-triggering hormone. Both hormones relate to […]
Strawberries for Springtime Weight Management
by Sri Regine Lherisson-Bey Springtime is when many people start resuming their outdoor activities, some of which include gardening or visiting a farmer’s market. For those who enjoy strawberries, collecting them from a garden or purchasing them at a fresh produce local market can be a fulfilling task, […]